Post by Jay Kitten on May 10, 2011 19:40:32 GMT -8
Life on another planet seems completely awesome to me. I want to colonize or be part of the colony placed on Mars when there is one (which won't be any time in my life unfortunately) or something of the sort, and Pern would be somewhere I would want to live. Not because it's so fantastic, but because I don't like the way life works on Earth.
Tiger Cirryyth of Weyrharper V'ridian Black Sunristh of Weyrling A'kai Blood Zojiroth of Candidate Master Moraiya Lavender and her fading Starlight Fayzeth Elraishsa of the Wild Rowensae and Pscittasch Lylore the Strange Oldbies: R'nos, Felora, K'cin, S'nire(deceased)
I want to say that it's a given that I cling so tightly to RMW because of the amazing people and stories we've made. The post above is what draws me to Pern on its own.
Post by Jay Kitten on May 10, 2011 19:45:41 GMT -8
McCaffrey tends to think she's a scientist, I think. Either that or she wants to sound smart. As far as the rules for Impression go, I think if you aren't a jerk you have a shot, but in the books there were way too many depressed people who didn't Impress. Seems weird. I don't know.
Tiger Cirryyth of Weyrharper V'ridian Black Sunristh of Weyrling A'kai Blood Zojiroth of Candidate Master Moraiya Lavender and her fading Starlight Fayzeth Elraishsa of the Wild Rowensae and Pscittasch Lylore the Strange Oldbies: R'nos, Felora, K'cin, S'nire(deceased)
Literally this guild is the reason I even read the books. And that was years later. Doni dragged me into the guild from off neo and Kaya kept me coming back. The books and world were kinda a non issue for me. I mean, dragons were cool and they were fun colors but it really was WFVW that drew me in. I wouldn't even connect the fact that I had read one of the stories in school until later.
Then again, I'm pretty sure I've told you guys this so I'm just rehashing.