The girl kept on her guard as he passed her, and she watched with sharp eye as he took his leave.
But as he stopped at the edge of the foliage, she couldn't help but listen to what he had to say. She stood up straight, leaned her weight on one leg, and rested the spear on her shoulder, hand on the opposite hip. She frowned at what he said, though she did take that into consideration. Things around here had been strange lately, and of course the one that lived here the longest would know... Her. He had a good point, after some of the strange creatures she'd ran into around these parts, not to mention the Riders and the strange people in the jungles. Dangerous indeed. She would have to keep her guard up.
She let him walk away. Maybe she would see him again.
Tiger Cirryyth of Weyrharper V'ridian Black Sunristh of Weyrling A'kai Blood Zojiroth of Candidate Master Moraiya Lavender and her fading Starlight Fayzeth Elraishsa of the Wild Rowensae and Pscittasch Lylore the Strange Oldbies: R'nos, Felora, K'cin, S'nire(deceased)
Querin was quiet as he continued down the path that led back to the Weyr. The sound of song had him looking up, and he watched the LifeWings soaring over the valley with longing and admiration. Beautiful beasts they were, and so kind and generous with their time and talent. He wanted so strongly to be among the ranks of their riders...
Sighing, he dropped his head and continued on, listening intently, past the hypnotic song to the sounds beneath, the rustles and squeaks of the underbrush and its smaller inhabitants.