Shoki checking in! Not sure of anything at the moment, might be out some days but I won't know until like the day of or before. I will be letting yall know when I know myself.
RMW Melana of Black-Green Aliaroth *|* Honolly of Blue Baneroth (Pending) *|* Annae, Candidate *|* Taiton of Cardinal Yavaresh
Cliff-Side Tarachine, Journeywoman Harper
ISW Se'tk of Ice Epsilith (Pending) *|* Aravire of Aurora F Raeth *|* S'kar of Black Hazed Aurora M Leth *|* Naltaia of White F Imnesath *|* Sharikar, Candidate
Tiger Cirryyth of Weyrharper V'ridian Black Sunristh of Weyrling A'kai Blood Zojiroth of Candidate Master Moraiya Lavender and her fading Starlight Fayzeth Elraishsa of the Wild Rowensae and Pscittasch Lylore the Strange Oldbies: R'nos, Felora, K'cin, S'nire(deceased)