felines ---runnerbeasts (equines) are allowed away from dragons
Most people have between zero and two fire lizards,
An uncommon few have three firelizards.
More than three is rare and requires the Flitt Trainer perk from the Marks site shop
Fire lizards Impress regardless of age, sex, or any other factor.
Whers Impress regardless of any factor but age.
Wher Candidates are 17 Turns and older, with no hard upper limit on age.
Wher Candidates are older on average than dragon Candidates as Wher Candidates are expected to go straight into training and then the work force after Impression.
Whers cannot use coherent speech.
They tend to select one primary sound - typically monosyllabic - and use tonality and emotions to express themselves. They are also capable of growling. In cases of extreme danger or crisis, whers have been known to telepathically speak their handler's name. ---Examples of wher sounds: hruu, raa, lou, waan
Whers can usually bond to a new handler if their handler dies.
Some mother whers have Candidates approach to select an egg before the Hatching while others keep all the eggs until they hatch.