They had been standing on the Weyr Heights for a while now as the light of the long day faded into the soft night. The post of the Watch dragon looking to the north was occupied by Weyrwoman, Rilora and Isodae. "It has been a long time coming," Isodae had said when they arrived there. So many factors, things that had changed, a reluctance to face problems again, to be involved in the difficult and impossible decisions. Selfish, maybe, especially for someone who had been winning the hearts of those around for decades. It was the brush with death her best friend had that started some new gears turning. Hillie had recovered, but it had taken a long time. They weren't girls any more. And it was all to do with the fight and the fires over the Weyr. It couldn't get any worse; Isodae wouldn't allow it. Hillie had tempered her anger over it all, and now she finally had some words to share with Rilora. But they weren't angry ones. Not at Rilora. It was all more of a confession, one that had regrets, and encouragements. She should have been around more, given advice more, listened and allowed growth for a new Weyrwoman. She had so many great qualities just as she was. It was fine to be her. Kaya had known how to shape a leader. She had been a great Weyrwoman. Isodae owed Rilora the benefit of that legacy. So they stood on that ledge, and then sat, and watched the sky change color while they talked about the world, and the people in it. And finally, what they might do about it.