Well, since Kaya has been busy, and I am technically a staff member, and there hasn't been one of these threads in like 4 months... I'll fill in for her! ^^
Pretending this is Kaya saying it/quoting from last activity thread~:
Post here, get 10 marks. That simple. This will run until the end of the month and close at 11:59pm on Apr. 31th.
Make sure you post your +10 in the marks thread
There is no penalty for not posting but please do post if you're reading this because it lets me know you're alive.
If you have a minute, please use this space as a place to post dates you will certainly be gone (vacations, exams, etc).
Members checked in:
Jay Simile Nicole Kaya Shoki Moo Summer
Last Edit: Apr 26, 2012 19:49:28 GMT -8 by Jay Kitten
Tiger Cirryyth of Weyrharper V'ridian Black Sunristh of Weyrling A'kai Blood Zojiroth of Candidate Master Moraiya Lavender and her fading Starlight Fayzeth Elraishsa of the Wild Rowensae and Pscittasch Lylore the Strange Oldbies: R'nos, Felora, K'cin, S'nire(deceased)
I'm going to be busy for the rest of this week/weekend/beginning of next week, though. As far as dates go, it's April 25th-31st.
I'll still be around, but this is dead week now, and finals week next week, so I'm trying to get a lot of things done in a short amount of time. Not only am I studying for finals/writing essays, but I'm getting all my stuff packed up and shipped back to the East coast! (Moo is moving from Montana Jotunheim). So yes. I'm here but not here.
I will try my best to reply as soon as I can, but no promises.
Also, I get back to the East coast on the 4th of May, and we SHOULD have internet connection up at my house. But then it might take me a couple of days to get settled back in. I'll update here if necessary.
I realize I haven't told you guys: Friday is "roomies", which is an event that a floor or pair of girls' floors (typically) host, and is a hang out or activity evening in which your roommate invites a boy to go with you to 'roomies', and Nathanael and I are going. So, I'll be gone Friday.
And May 4th is Hall Ball so I'll be gone then too.